We've had a few messages asking how the announcement Boris Johnson made on Monday 4th January 2021 will affect us.

To make it as simple as possible for you, we'll continue to operate as we have been doing since spring last year.

In practice, this means:

  • 3 customers max in the shop at any time

  • wash or sanitise your hands on entry

  • wear a face covering.

We've not had any notifications from any of our suppliers that there are shortages, so there's no need to stockpile.

During busy times over the past nine months the above has led to queues outside. Not so bad in the warmer weather, however, it may not be so fun during winter. To help alleviate this, we're more than happy to take orders over the phone, which we will get ready for collection. Alternatively, we can arrange delivery, either using our own vehicle or with one of our delivery partners.

Any questions or to place an order, please give us a call on 07399636708.

Stay safe.