We’ve alluded to this once or twice recently, struggling a little to keep our secret truly safe, but we’re extremely happy that we can now finally announce to the world that we’re about to embark on the next stage of the Lentils and Lather journey that will see us open our second shop in Marple, Stockport.

It’s always been our ambition to make sustainable shopping as widely accessible as possible. The more people there are making small changes in their lives, the better chance we’ve got of fixing the problems that human activity is having on the planet. And what better way to engage a whole new set of eco-minded folk than to establish a new shop in a different community.


There are a few reasons why we think Marple is an ideal location for the Lentils and Lather plastic-free shopping experience…

  • Firtsly, out of all the different communities outside of Withington & Didsbury (where the majority of our current customers live), the number of enquiries from those living in Marple has been the highest. We’ve had conversations with lots of people who live in the area who would like a local shop like ours, but have been struggling to find anything convenient, we’ve made deliveries to Marple and some local residents have even made the journey all the way over to Withington to check us out! There are Marple-based Facebook groups centred around sustainability as well as individuals that are taking steps to make improvements either through their work-life or voluntarily. All-in-all, it really feels like Marple is crying out for a shop like ours!

  • Secondly, we know quite a few people who live in the area. Although by no means will we be relying on them to shop with us, but they’ll be great ambassadors for spreading the word; telling their friends, neighbours and colleagues about the new zero waste shop on the block. As those well-known Liverpudlians sang: “I’ll get by with a little help from my friends”.

  • Finally, we’re personally attached to the area…we got married in a field just around the corner!

Our new view.

We got married in a barn in Marple Bridge!


What the shop currently looks like.

We’re taking over the building that was formerly the distinctive ZipYard. The full address is:

107 Stockport Road, Marple, Stockport, SK6 6AF.

Conveniently, there’s even a bus stop right outside the shop - numbers 358, 275 & 384 will drop you right on our doorstep!

The premises itself actually has a bit more floor space than our Withington shop, so expect it to be filled with plenty of bulk food items, household refills, personal care products and much, much more.

We currently stock over 600 plastic-free and ethically sourced items. Where possible, we try to source from local producers to help reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacture and delivery and will be looking to replicate this in our new shop.

Alongside this, we’re also conscious of the conditions that some people are forced to work in around the world, so we make sure we only work with suppliers and manufacturers that treat their people how we would expect to be treated.


Hopefully, this news has got you excited and you’re eager to get down to Lentils and Lather Marple with your empty containers ready to refill. We’re already working in the shop (stick your head in and say hello if you’re passing by), but it needs a bit of work. We reckon it’ll be ready sometime from the middle of November, but we’ll keep you posted on how things are going as we make progress - follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date.

We’ll be hosting a grand opening to welcome you into the shop and we’ll even have some freebies to give away, so see you there!

Paulina and Peachey

Buesses 358, 375 & 384 drop off right outside our new door!